About Us
The Center for Spiritual Growth is a welcoming and supportive place where all who seek a better life-experience are encouraged to come and explore educational and experiential programs, classes and workshops covering a broad range of topics intended to assist individuals and the community in their movement toward a happier, more meaningful and peaceful existence.
CSG is not affiliated with any specific religion or philosophy, but supports all love-based practices and promotes individual and community transformation through the teaching of universal spiritual principles.
Our mission
The Center for Spiritual Growth is dedicated to recognizing, honoring and nurturing the dignity, uniqueness, and oneness of all peoples. We seek to inspire transformation through the devoted practice and teaching of universal spiritual principles. Our intention is to reveal the underlying perfection and harmony of the Universe through prayer, meditation, education, and music.
Our purpose
As a spiritual center our purpose is to be a safe environment for individuals to realize that they are unique expressions of God, the Divine Source of Love and Life. We embrace our oneness with God, and we consciously practice this truth in our everyday lives. Through learning and living, we nurture individual and community transformation.
Board of Directors
Executive Board
Helene Wilhelm Kiefer, Co-founder, Chair
Neil Gilbert, MA, MSW, LCSW
Katrina Andrews, MAPSC
Emeritus Board
David Grow
Nanci Sanders
Illuminators Circle
Helene Wilhelm Kiefer, Co-founder, Chair
Neil Gilbert, MA, MSW, LCSW
Brook Hardy, LMHC
Cindy Robinett
Doug Snyder
Maureen Briones